Policies in many places in Guangdong restrict the use of solvent-based coatings-UV absorber manufacturer

With the worsening of environmental pollution, people now turn pale when they hear about haze. The word haze is not new. It has existed since ancient times. Many fine particles in the air, such as dust, foam brought by waves, pollen, etc., are components of haze. When there are large amounts of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and When pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are released, the sulfuric acid, sulfate, nitric acid, nitrate and organic matter they form will cause great harm to humans.

Many studies now show that VOCs are an important prerequisite for the formation of PM2.5, and the production and application of solvent-based coatings are important sources of VOCs. Moreover, VOCs are toxic. In terms of harm to the human body, the relatively minor manifestations are irritation or corrosiveness to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. The more serious ones cause damage to the human nervous system, affecting our nervous system, liver, kidneys, stomach and other organs. The most serious one is carcinogenicity. In addition, VOCs react with chemicals in the atmospheric environment to form photochemical smog. The harm caused by this smog should not be underestimated.

VOCs are emitted to high altitudes and react with ozone to form ozone holes, which will increase ultraviolet radiation. Emissions of VOCs near the ground may form ozone, and ozone near the ground is harmful to human health. Therefore, the emission of VOCs is a very bad thing regardless of whether it is near the ground or at high altitude. And precisely because these substances have a great impact on people’s lives, all parts of the country (especially in Guangdong) are calling for restrictions/bans on the production and use of solvent-based coatings. Take Guangdong as an example. Since this year, Dongguan, Huizhou, Shenzhen and other places have begun to implement control measures for solvent-based coatings.

Dongguan area

The key controls will include oil refining and petrochemicals, chemical raw materials and chemical product manufacturing (manufacturing of solvent-based coatings, inks, pigments, adhesives and similar products), and manufacturing of chemical raw materials. 12 industries including synthetic fiber manufacturing (nylon, polyester, and spandex fiber manufacturing) and surface coating (including metal and plastic surface coating). The city is divided into prohibited access areas, strict control areas and general control areas for key VOCs controlled industries, and further tightens environmental protection access for key VOCs controlled industries.


Enterprises with annual VOCs emissions of more than 10 tons will gradually be included in the management of key regulated enterprises. Steadily advance the VOCs governance work in key regulated enterprises, and complete the comprehensive rectification of provincial key regulated enterprises and municipal key regulated enterprises by the end of 2018 and 2020 respectively.

Shenzhen aspect

Urge furniture companies across the city to transform solvent-based coating production lines into low-volatile coatings such as water-based coatings and UV coatings before the end of June.

It can be seen that the policy of controlling the production/use of solvent-based coatings is actually giving a green light to the rapid development of the water-based paint industry, and also boosting the water-based paint industry as a whole. Paint replaces solvent-based paint. In fact, the pace of change in the paint industry of “oil-for-water” has already begun. Many companies have expressed their views on “oil to water” and their determination to transform through various media platforms.

The key to eye-catching water paint is that it uses water as the diluent and does not contain benzene, toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, free TDI, toxic heavy metals and other substances. Therefore, It will not pollute the environment or pose a threat to human health. When investigating most water paints, it is not difficult to find that the water content in water paints is about 50%, which greatly improves the safety during storage, transportation and construction.

The new opportunities brought by environmentally friendly buildings are showing great business opportunities, bringing unprecedented room for growth to water paint. Industry professionals believe that the market is promoting the transformation of the coating industry from solvent-based coatings that over-release production capacity to resource-saving and environmentally friendly water-based paint products. Taking the road of environmentally friendly development has become an inevitable choice for the market.

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