Trimethylolpropane Tricaprylate/Tridecanoate, Application in Shampoos

Trimethylolpropane Tricaprylate​/Tricaprylate is a synthetic ester grease and an environmentally friendly lubricating base oil with outstanding thermal stability and low temperature stability. performance, and has good spreading properties and excellent biodegradability with low toxicity. Among them, trimethylolpropane triocaprylate/tricaprate is a high-quality saturated polyol ester, a new type of efficient and refreshing emollient and moisturizer. In personal care products, it can quickly improve the moisture of skin and hair. Maintains moisture, prevents hair from drying out, and makes hair brighter and smoother.

Three  Hydroxymethylpropane Tricaprylate/Tridecanoate, application illustration in shampoo

1. Experimental background and purpose

Shampoo is an indispensable cleaning product in our lives. On the one hand, we desire mild washing products to clean our hair. On the other hand, we also want our hair to be well cared for. In the past, traditional shampoos were generally used. Cationic conditioners are paired with silicone oil to provide hair with smoothness and conditioning. Silicone oil has good film-forming properties and relatively high surface activity. It also has excellent defoaming and anti-foaming properties. It easily forms an extremely thin film, protects hair, and provides an excellent smooth touch. Silicone oil is known for its superior suppleness. It has been widely used in shampoos for its excellent hair performance and excellent cost performance.

Trimethylolpropane Tricaprylate/Tridecanoate, Application Illustrations in Shampoos 1

In recent years, there have been more and more negative reports on silicone oil in the media, making people more or less wary of silicone oil. Coupled with the birth of the Ziyuan brand in 2014, the brand owner has vigorously promoted silicone-free shampoo. This craze continues to affect the shampoo subcategory, with both mass brands and high-end luxury brands launching silicone-free shampoos one after another. However, the smoothness provided by silicone oil in shampoo is difficult to replace by other oils. How to improve the conditioning performance of silicone-free shampoo is a challenge faced by the industry now.

Trimethylolpropane trioctanoate has an -OH group in its structure, which can form hydrogen bonds with moisture in the air. This is obviously different from the film-forming properties of silicone oil. Trimethylolpropane trioctanoate is harmful to the skin and The hair’s moisture content is very long-lasting, and it forms an air-permeable and water-permeable film on the skin and hair, which will not clog pores. In addition, it has a high spreading coefficient, a fast spreading speed, and is not easy to form a sticky oily feeling. When used in shampoo, It can provide a smooth and soft rinse feeling, and can be effectively retained on the hair to provide a moisturizing feeling for subsequent wet and dry combing.

However, trimethylolpropane trioctanoate is a polar grease and can easily destroy the original stable micelle system in the washing formula, causing the system to risk reducing viscosity. This article mainly discusses the influence of the temperature at which trimethylolpropane trioctanoate is added to the shampoo system and the treatment method of trimethylolpropane trioctanoate on the viscosity stability of shampoo, and finds out the rules for shampooing. Provide a basis for optimizing the process conditions for adding trimethylolpropane trioctanoate.

The stable viscosity of shampoo is one of the key influencing factors to ensure the stability of its conditioning performance and appearance. It directly affects the heat and cold resistance of the product and the consumer’s repeat purchase confidence, and also affects the product’s performance stability and shelf life. cycle, so the viscosity stability of a product is particularly important.

Trimethylolpropane  Tricaprylate/tridecanoate, application illustration in shampoo 2

2.Experimental materials and instruments

2.1 Experimental raw materials

Guar gum hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride (model: JAGUAR C-162, Dow), EDTA 2Na, cocamidopropyl betaine (model: Ucefactant BE-50HP(Y), active substance 38%, Guangzhou Xingye), sodium laureth sulfate (model: AES 270NⅡ, Sasol), sodium lauroamphoacetate (model: Ucefactant AMC 65L, active substance: 38%, Guangzhou Xingye), laurel Potassium alcohol phosphate (model: Ucefactant MAP 65, active substance: 42%, Guangzhou Xingye), lauryl lactate (model: Ucegreen LA-20, Guangzhou Xingye), cocoamide methyl MEA (model: Uceomid HM800, Guangzhou Xingye), Trimethylolpropane Tricaprylate/Tridecanoate (Model: Ucesoft TP810, Guangzhou Xingye), PEG-7 Coconut Glycerate (Model: Glycerox HE, Heda), Polyglyceryl-3 isostearate (Model: JH-LPI-03, Guangzhou Jinhui), D-panthenol, Cassone, citric acid.

2.2 Experimental instruments

JJ1000 electronic balance (accuracy 0.01), IKA digital mixer, JB300-D powerful electric mixer,

3.1.2 Shampoo preparation process:

Weigh the deionized water in the beaker, add JAGUARC-162, stir until it is transparent and granular, then add Ucefactant BE-50HP(Y), AES 270NⅡ, stir until completely dissolved, start to heat up to 75℃, add Stir the remaining raw materials of phase A at constant temperature for 15 minutes; start to cool down. When the temperature drops to 65°C, add the raw materials of phase B. After stirring for 15 minutes, continue to cool to 45°C. Add the raw materials of phase C in turn, stir evenly, and measure the system according to the 10% aqueous solution. pH, use citric acid to adjust the pH to a suitable range, and finally use Ucefactant BE-50HP(Y) and Nacl to adjust the viscosity.

3.1.3 Test sample preparation

In the experiment, in order to eliminate the deviation of the experimental results caused by the differences in the raw materials themselves, the raw materials were selected from the same batch during the experiment. The experimental basic samples were prepared according to step 3.1.2 to explore trimethylolpropane trioctanoate/tricaprylate. The effect of the treatment method of capric acid ester on the viscosity of the system. The B-phase raw material trimethylolpropane trioctanoate/tricanoate is directly added to the shampoo. The experiment number is recorded as 1#, trimethylolpropane trioctanoate. / Tridecanoate and PEG-7 Coconut Glycerate are mixed and then added with the experimental number recorded as 2#, Trimethylolpropane Tricaprylate / Tricaprate and Polyglyceryl-3 Isostearate After mixing, add the experimental number and record it as 3#, proof the samples separately, pack them in wide-mouth plastic bottles, place them at 45°C and normal temperature, and measure the viscosity every other week.

The viscosity change curve of one-month stability measurement is as follows, including heat resistance and room temperature stability:

1# Trimethylolpropane Tricaprylate/Tridecanoate is directly added to the shampoo at 65℃. The sample is heat-resistant to 45℃ and normal temperature for one week. The viscosity of the shampoo is significantly reduced, and the viscosity reduction is very large. , so it is not recommended to add trimethylolpropane tricaprylate/tridecanoate directly into shampoo;

After 2# trimethylolpropane trioctanoate/tricaprate is treated with HE and then added to the shampoo, the heat-resistant viscosity reduction speed of the shampoo is somewhat alleviated, but the final viscosity change of the shampoo is also larger. Therefore, trimethylolpropane triocaprylate/tricaprate treated with PEG-7 coconut glycerate cannot exist stably in shampoo;

Sample 3#, trimethylolpropane tricaprylate/tridecanoate treated with polyglyceryl-3 isostearate, was added to the shampoo. The viscosity of the shampoo showed an increasing trend in the first three weeks, but then tends to be gentle, the viscosity of the shampoo system is relatively stable, and there is no viscosity reduction phenomenon. Therefore, the trimethylolpropane triocaprylate/tridecanoate treated with polyglycerol-3 isostearate can be added to the shampoo without any viscosity reduction. Will cause the viscosity of shampoo to decrease.

3.2 Explore the effect of trimethylolpropane trioctanoate/tridecanoate addition temperature on the viscosity stability of the system

3.2.2 Experimental process flow

According to the results of the above experiment, trimethylolpropane tricaprylate/tridecanoate treated with polyglycerol-3 isostearate will not cause a decrease in the viscosity of shampoo, so we will further explore trimethylolpropane trioctanoate/tridecanoate. Experiment on the effect of the addition temperature of propane trioctanoate/tridecanoate on the viscosity of the system to determine the optimal addition temperature. The experimental formula process is as in step 2.3.2. Phase B raw materials are added at different temperatures, namely 75°C, 65°C, 55°C, and 45°C. They are numbered one by one as 4#, 5#, 6#, and 7#, and the other one is blank. The control sample without adding trimethylolpropane trioctanoate/tridecanoate is numbered 8#.

Measure the viscosity of the day and record it. Place it at 45°C and normal temperature for stability testing. Measure the viscosity every other week and observe the changes in viscosity.

3.2.3 Results and discussion

The following is the viscosity change curve of shampoo with a heat resistance of 45°C and normal temperature for one month:

8# is a blank comparison sample without added trimethylolpropane trioctanoate/tridecanoate. The viscosity of the heat-resistant 45℃ rises in the early stage, but the subsequent viscosity tends to be flat, and the viscosity fluctuation at room temperature is not large. , the viscosity of the blank control sample is relatively stable. However, whether 4# and 7# are heat-resistant to 45°C or normal temperature, the viscosity tends to decrease after the fourth week. It may be that the addition temperature of 75°C is too high, while the temperature of 45°C is too low, which is not conducive to the dispersion of oil in shampoo. stability. For 5# and 6#, the viscosity of the normal temperature stable shampoo system is relatively stable. The viscosity of 6#, which is heat-resistant to 45°C, fluctuates more than that of the 5# sample. After four weeks of heat-resistant 45°C, the viscosity of 6# shampoo also has a downward trend, although it is not It is particularly obvious, but comparing the 6# sample with the 5# sample, the viscosity change of 5# is stable, so taking into account the addition of trimethylolpropane trioctanoate/tridecanoate at 65°C to the shampoo has little impact on the viscosity of the shampoo, the viscosity Stablize.

The viscosity of the shampoo has little effect on the viscosity of the shampoo and the viscosity is stable.

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