Fumed Silica — Silicone Product Encyclopedia — Jiangxi New Materials Co., Ltd.

Pyrogenic silica — Silicone Product Encyclopedia — Jiangxi New Materials Co., Ltd.

Fumed silica


Gas phase Silica (vapor phase silica) is one of the extremely important new high-tech ultrafine inorganic materials. It is porous, non-toxic, odorless, pollution-free, and resistant to high temperatures. At the same time, its chemical inertness and special thixotropic properties can significantly improve the tensile strength, tear resistance and wear resistance of rubber products. After the rubber is improved, the strength is increased dozens of times. Rheology and thixotropy control of liquid systems, adhesives, polymers, etc., used as anti-settling, thickening, and anti-sag additives. Reinforcement of HCR and RTV-2K silicone rubber can be used to regulate free flow. and as an anti-caking agent to improve powder properties, etc. Vapor phase titanium dioxide, vapor phase alumina, mainly involved in the application fields: adhesives, coatings, paints, inks, batteries, toners, medicine, food, plastics, papermaking, cosmetics, silicone rubber, defoaming agents, composite materials, feed, etc. each field. Vapor phase silica is a white, non-toxic, odorless, amorphous inorganic fine chemical product. The atomic particle size ranges from 7 to 40 nanometers, and the specific surface area ranges from 70 to 400m/g. It has various functions such as good reinforcement, thickening, thixotropy, extinction, UV resistance, and sterilization.

Chinese name
Pyrogenic silica
Foreign name
Fumed Silica
Molecular formula
Color shape
White fluffy powder


  1. 1 Introduction
  2. 2 Basic information
  3. 3 Features
  4. 4 Application
  1. Electronic packaging materials
  2. Resin composite material
  3. Plastic
  4. Paint
  5. rubber
  6. Color (dye)
  1. ceramic
  2. Sealant, adhesive
  3. GRP products
  4. Drug carrier
  5. Cosmetics
  6. Antibacterial material
  1. Other
  2. 5 Hydrophilicity
  3. 6 Related functions



Use nano-antibacterial powder in enamel glaze to produce a drum washing machine with anti-mildew and anti-bacterial functions, with an anti-bacterial rate of over 99%. It should be pointed out that nano-anti-bacterial powder is used in enamel glaze The use conditions in the material are relatively harsh. It must be in a strong alkaline liquid and high temperature (around 900°C) to maintain strong antibacterial properties after porcelain is fired. This is beyond the reach of other antibacterial powders. Add nano antibacterial powder to interior walls Among the coatings, interior wall coatings with long-term antibacterial and anti-mildew functions have been produced. Nano antibacterial powder is used in women’s underwear detergents, wool and cashmere detergents, dishwashing liquids and hand sanitizers. After testing by the health and epidemic prevention department, its antibacterial properties are The performance is very significant. It is foreseeable that as people’s health awareness increases, nano-antibacterial powder will gradually be accepted by the general public in related application companies, in industries such as bills, medical and health care, chemical building materials, home appliances, functional fibers, and plastic products. Emerge.


1. Application in the field of optics
Nanoparticles are mainly used in infrared reflective materials made into thin films and multi-layer films. Nanoparticle film materials have good application prospects in the light bulb industry. High-pressure sodium lamps and various iodine arc lamps used for photography and photography require strong lighting, but after the filament is heated, 69% of the energy is converted into infrared rays. This shows that a considerable amount of electrical energy is converted into heat energy and is consumed, and only a small amount is consumed. Part of it is converted into light energy for lighting. At the same time, the heat generated by the lamp will also affect the life of the lamp. How to improve the luminous efficiency and increase the illumination has always been a key issue to be solved. The birth of nanoparticles provides a new way to solve this problem. Since the 1980s, scientific research and technical personnel have used fumed silica (fumed white carbon black) and fumed titanium dioxide nano-TiO2 particles to make a multi-layer interference film with a total thickness of microns, lining the inner wall of the light bulb cover. The result is that it not only transmits light It has good efficiency and strong infrared reflection ability. According to expert calculations, this type of lamp can save 15% of electrical energy compared with traditional halogen lamps under the same light brightness.
2. New plexiglass additive
Plastic glass (PMMA) is commonly used as the window material for aircraft. When the aircraft flies at high altitude, the window material is easily aged by ultraviolet radiation, resulting in a decrease in transparency. In order to solve this problem, the extremely strong ultraviolet reflective properties of fumed silica (fumed silica) are used to add surface-modified fumed silica (fumed silica) during the production process of organic glass to produce products that are resistant to The ultraviolet radiation capability is more than doubled, and the impact strength is increased by 80%. [1]



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