Market supply is loose, downstream demand is weakening, and organic silicon prices continue to fall!

Market supply is loose, downstream demand is weakening, and organic silicon prices continue to fall!
Recently, as downstream terminal demand weakens, the price of organic silicon products has shrunk as a whole.
At present, the start-up of individual enterprises is gradually increasing:
Shandong Dongyue is operating normally, Luxi is about 80% operational, and Jinling is undergoing maintenance for about a week; Zhejiang Xin’an Chemical Maitu unit is in trial operation; Zhejiang Hesheng is operating normally, Hubei Xingfa is starting and stopping, and Zhejiang Zhongtian is shutting down for maintenance; Jiangxi Blue Star is operating normally, Tangshan Sanyou’s construction is unstable, and Inner Mongolia Hengyecheng’s construction is about 70%.
The overall supply of goods in the market is loose, and downstream purchases are mostly based on rigid demand. Organic silicon prices may continue to fall.

Please refer to the picture below for specific prices

Reference quotation (yuan/ton, purified water Cash transfer to)
Order status
Shandong Dongyue
28500 Normal operation Firm offer negotiation
Jiangxi Spark
29500-30000 About 80% of construction is started Tight supply
Xin’an, Zhejiang
29500 New device trial production For personal use
Zhejiang Zhongtian
—— Overhaul Less inventory
Inner Mongolia Hengyecheng
29000 About 70% construction started Firm offer negotiation
Shandong Luxi
28000 About 80% construction started Tight supply
Shandong Jinling
—— Overhaul Temporarily closed and not reported
Zhejiang Hesheng
29500 Normal operation Firm offer negotiation
Tangshan Sanyou
—— At full capacity One ​​by one
Shandong Dongyue
30000 Normal operation Firm offer negotiation
Xin’an, Zhejiang
30500 New device trial production Firm offer negotiation
Zhejiang Zhongtian
31000-32000 Overhaul Tight supply
Blue Star Fire
31500 About 80% construction started Firm offer negotiation
Inner Mongolia Hengyecheng
30500 About 80% construction started Real offer negotiable
107 glue
Blue Star Fire
29500 Run smoothly Firm offer negotiation
Tangshan Sanyou
—— Smooth operation For personal use
Inner Mongolia Hengyecheng
30000 Normal operation Firm offer negotiation
Blue Star Fire
30000 Smooth start Firm offer negotiation

Mainly maintain old customers
Zhejiang Hesheng
29500 Normal operation Receive orders normally
Shandong Dongyue
29000 Normal operation Supply contract customer pre-order
Methyl silicone oil
Model Reference quotation (yuan/ton, clean water will be delivered in cash) Order status
Dimethicone 35000 Receive orders normally
Dow Corning
Regular methyl silicone oil 36000 Receive orders normally
Regular methyl silicone oil 35000 Slightly tight supply
Yichang Kelin
Regular methyl silicone oil 33000 Start low
Xin’an Chemical
Regular methyl silicone oil 33000 stock low
Shandong Dongyue
Regular methyl silicone oil 32000 More orders

As can be seen from the figure, the prices of silicone products are generally declining: domestic DMC and raw rubber prices have dropped by 500 yuan/ton; 107 rubber has dropped by 500-1,000 yuan/ton; compound rubber, methyl silicone oil, and metallic silicon All prices fell slightly, but the prices of imported methyl silicone products from Dow Corning, Momentive, Wacker and others are still at high levels.

The domestic downstream demand for organic silicon is currently sluggish, and the start-up of individual enterprises will continue to increase at the end of the month. The market supply is loose, and the overall negative factors are increasing. Therefore, in the short term, the market price of organic silicon will continue to decline.

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Dow Corning
Regular methyl silicone oil 36000 Receive orders normally
Regular methyl silicone oil 35000 Slightly tight supply
Yichang Kelin
Regular methyl silicone oil 33000 Start low
Xin’an Chemical
Regular methyl silicone oil 33000 stock low
Shandong Dongyue
Regular methyl silicone oil 32000 More orders

As can be seen from the figure, the prices of silicone products are generally declining: domestic DMC and raw rubber prices have dropped by 500 yuan/ton; 107 rubber has dropped by 500-1,000 yuan/ton; compound rubber, methyl silicone oil, and metallic silicon All prices fell slightly, but the prices of imported methyl silicone products from Dow Corning, Momentive, Wacker and others are still at high levels.

The domestic downstream demand for organic silicon is currently sluggish, and the start-up of individual enterprises will continue to increase at the end of the month. The market supply is loose, and the overall negative factors are increasing. Therefore, in the short term, the market price of organic silicon will continue to decline.

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