Introduction to food additive sweeteners and introduction to main varieties


Sweetener refers to a type of additive that can give food sweetness. It is a type of flavoring agent and can be divided into 4 categories according to its structure:

(1) Sugars such as white sugar, glucose, fructose, fructose, etc.;

(2) Sugar alcohols xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol, lactitol and (iso)maltitol etc.;

(3) Synthetic saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame phenylalanine methyl ester (apm), acesulfame potassium, etc. have the characteristics of low calories and high sweetness;

(4) Natural sweeteners, licorice sweetener, mogroside, etc. are low in calories.

Sweeteners can be divided into two categories according to their nutritional properties:

(1) Nutritive sweeteners fructose syrup, xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol, Maltitol is a sweet substance that participates in body metabolism and produces energy;

(2) Non-nutritive sweeteners refer to sweeteners that do not participate in body metabolism and produce energy, including saccharin, cyclamate, APM, stevia, non-nutritive sweeteners and some nutritive sweeteners (such as sugar alcohols, xylose, etc.). Because their metabolism in the body has nothing to do with insulin, they are suitable for diabetic patients without increasing blood sugar quality.

The production of sweeteners in the world exceeds 100 million tons. The consumption levels in various countries are relatively large. The world’s per capita annual consumption is 21~22kg. In developed countries, it is 60~70kg; in developing countries, it is 10~15kg; in my country, it is only 5~7kg.

The varieties consumed in different countries are also different. The nutritive sweeteners consumed in the United States are mainly fructose syrup and sorbitol; the non-nutritive sweeteners consumed are mainly saccharin and APM. .The main ones are natural sweeteners sucrose and fructose syrup, followed by saccharin, APM, stevia, etc.

The development trend of foreign sweeteners is mainly the production and use of low-calorie sweeteners , high-intensity synthetic or natural sweetener varieties, among which natural non-nutritive sweeteners are increasingly valued and developed, especially licorice and stevia. They are very commonly used. Natural sweeteners with nitrogen-based acids are very Representative of nutritive synthetic sweeteners. In addition, newly developed non-nutritive synthetic sweetener varieties include: sucrose chlorinated derivatives (~800 times sweeter than sucrose); acetate potassium (ACLK , the sweetness is 200 times that of sucrose); amino acid sweeteners (the sweetness is 2000 times that of sucrose). In addition, because compound sweeteners can achieve the best cost-effectiveness, they have a wide market in Europe.

1. Main types of sweeteners

The sweeteners approved for use in China include saccharin, stevia, cyclamate, APM, maltitol, D-sorbitol and licorice.

(1) Saccharin and saccharin sodium The scientific name of saccharin is o-saccharin benzoimide. There are two preparation methods for them. One is to use toluene as raw material through sulfonation, oxidation and ring closure. ,

Another method is to use liver phthalate as raw material, undergo amination and esterification to produce methyl anthranilate, and then undergo diazo replacement, ammoniation, and ring closure to obtain saccharin. .

Saccharin is a white crystal or powder with a melting point of 228.8~229.7°C and a very low solubility in water. Therefore, it is made into sodium salt for sale and use. It has a strong sweetness, and the sweetness of saccharin sodium is 300~ that of sucrose. 500 times. After ingestion, it does not decompose in the body and is excreted in the urine. It does not provide energy and has no nutritional value. Saccharin is not stable enough for heat, especially when heated in acidic solutions, it decomposes and loses its sweetness. The aqueous solution of saccharin sodium is smaller than saccharin. It is stable. But it is not suitable for long-term storage. Saccharin sodium is used in pickles, sauces, concentrated fruit juices, preserves, prepared wine, cold drinks, pastries, biscuits, bread, etc. The maximum dosage is 0. 15g/kg. The toxic ADL is tentatively set at 0~0.25mg/kg.

Saccharin is mainly an edible sweetener suitable for diabetics and other people who need low-energy foods. China’s production capacity is 20,000 tons, with Export sales.

(2) Cyclamate (sodium cycloheximide sulfonate) cyclamate is not Nutritional synthetic sweetener. It has low caloric value, high sweetness, heat resistance, acid resistance, heat resistance and no moisture absorption. It also has the flavor of sucrose. Its sweetness is 30 to 80 times that of sucrose.

The structural formula is: C)-NHSOga: Toxicity: ADI ()~llnig/kg.

Mainly used for diabetic patients. It can also be used for refreshing cold drinks and ice cream, with a maximum dosage of 0 . 25g/kg, the maximum dosage of pastries and preserves is 1.Og/kg.

(3) APM( ASPARTAME. APM, also called aspartame, is a dipeptide compound. It is a new low-calorie, delicious and nutritious sweetener. It has a strong sweetness and a sweetness of 100 to 200 times that of sucrose. It is a white crystalline powder, slightly soluble in water and ethanol, with good stability. It is a synthetic sweetener with high safety and pure taste. It has been approved for use in more than 5 () countries and regions. , is a low-sugar and low-calorie health food sweetener for patients with diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. Its toxicity: ADI 0~40mg/kg °

APM is composed of L- It is formed by the condensation of aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine methyl ester hydrochloride. Its reaction formula is as follows. APM can be used in candies, bread, fruits, cans, special beverages, etc. The American Searle Company and the Japanese Ajinomoto Company monopolize the world AMP market. At present, the demand for aspartame in the United States accounts for 8D% of the world’s total demand. It is mainly used in soft drinks (Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola), etc.

(4) Stevia Smoothie Stevia Smoothie is a strong sweetening ingredient contained in stevia.

Stevia is native to Paraguay, Brazil and other countries in South America. It was successfully introduced in my country in 1977 and steviol glycosides were extracted.�Stevia is a colorless crystal with a melting point of 198~2O2℃, soluble in water and ethanol, and is 300 times sweeter than sucrose. Its sweetness is pure, not absorbed by the body after eating, and does not produce heat. It is a good natural sweetener for patients with diabetes and obesity. It also has the effects of lowering blood pressure, promoting metabolism, and preventing excessive gastric acidity. There is a huge consumer market.

(5) Monosodium glycyrrhizinate licorice is a natural sweetener traditionally used by Chinese folk. Its sweet component is glycyrrhizic acid (glycyrrhizin), which reacts with NaOH to form disodium glycyrrhizinate.

Disodium glycyrrhizinate is a white or light yellow powder with an extremely sweet taste. The sweetness is 200 times that of sucrose. It is easily soluble in water. It is insoluble in anhydrous alcohol, ether, etc. and can be used as a substitute for part of sucrose. If mixed with saccharin, sucrose, and sodium citrate, the sweetness is excellent.

2. Introduction to newly developed synthetic sweeteners

(1) Sucralose (gasified sucrose derivative) This is a sweetener synthesized by Johnson Company and is a chlorinated Sucrose derivatives are generated by replacing three hydroxyl groups in the sucrose molecule with chlorine atoms. Its sweetness is -800 times that of sucrose. It is superior to APM in that it is stable for long-term storage and high temperatures, and is suitable for baked goods. The application of sweeteners in the baked food industry has become more and more popular – Sucralose is currently the most popular ingredient in the baked food industry. The most promising sweetener. In addition, it does not generate heat, so it will be favored by consumers once it enters the market.

(2) Sunotte (ACI-K, acetaminophen potassium) This is a new product developed by Hoechst Company, its scientific name is 6-methyl-1.2,3-oxazoate-4 -(3H)-Keto-2,2-dioxide potassium salt. The sweetness is 200 times that of sucrose, and its storage and heat stability are better than APM. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only approves its use in beverage powder, chewing gum, desserts and table sweeteners. Therefore it cannot yet compete with APM in the beverage market. But when the “FDA” approves AC1-K for use in beverages, the situation will change.

(3)ALitame【L-tf-aspartyl 0-(2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-3-thietanyl)-D-propionic acid amide】 This product is a newly developed sweetener by Feize Company that belongs to the same amino acid class as aspartame. Its sweetness is 2.0 times that of sucrose. It can be partially metabolized and has a very low caloric value. It is currently awaiting “FDA” approval for use.

In addition, compound sweeteners have also made great progress. For example, in Europe, a mixture of saccharin (or sodium cyclamate) with APM and AC1-K is used in all specialty beverages with good results and the best cost-effectiveness.



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