Anhui Province Yangtze River Economic Belt Chemical Pollution Control Special Action Work Plan

Anhui Province Yangtze River Economic Belt Chemical Pollution Control Special Action Work Plan

Huicong Water Industry Network Recently, Polaris Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Network learned that a notice on the special action plan for chemical pollution control in the Yangtze River Economic Zone in Anhui Province has been issued. The details are as follows:

General Office of the People’s Government of Anhui Province

About the Issuance of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in Anhui Province

Notice of the work plan for the special action to control chemical pollution

The People’s Governments of Ma’anshan, Wuhu, Tongling, Chizhou, and Anqing Municipalities, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission, the Provincial Environmental Protection Department, and the Provincial Department of Transportation , Provincial Department of Water Resources, Provincial Bureau of Statistics, and Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau:

The “Special Action Plan for the Remediation of Chemical Pollution in the Yangtze River Economic Belt of Anhui Province” has been approved by the provincial government and is now issued to you. Please organize and implement it in light of actual conditions.

General Office of the People’s Government of Anhui Province

January 26, 2017

Anhui Province Yangtze River Economic Belt Chemical Pollution Control

Special Action Work Plan

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the important instructions of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial Government, and strictly implement the Office of the National Leading Group for Promoting the Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, “Notice of the Special Action Plan for the Remediation of Chemical Pollution in the Economic Zone” (No. 22) requires that this plan is now formulated to effectively carry out the special remediation of chemical pollution in the province.

1. Working Principles

(1) Adhere to the combination of controlling increase and reducing stock. Take practical and effective measures to strictly control new pollution emissions, increase efforts to control existing chemical industry pollution, and strive to reduce the stock of pollution.

(2) Adhere to the combination of legal measures and administrative means. Control chemical pollution in accordance with laws and regulations, punish polluting chemical enterprises, and take effective measures to promote the chemical industry to adjust its structure and optimize its layout.

(3) Adhere to the combination of thorough investigation and immediate implementation of reforms. We will be problem-oriented and carry out comprehensive investigation, and make immediate rectifications if problems are found.

(4) Adhere to the combination of industry management and local responsibility. Relevant industry management departments earnestly perform their regulatory duties, and local governments fulfill their main responsibilities.

2. Key points of rectification

(1) Chemical enterprises along the river do not comply with the main functional area planning and set up chemical enterprises in ecological protection red lines, nature reserves, water source protection areas and other environmentally sensitive areas Parks (concentrated areas) and other outstanding issues.

(2) The sewage discharged by chemical enterprises along the river does not meet the standards or exceeds the standards. The setting of the sewage outlets into the river does not meet the relevant requirements. The sewage treatment facilities have not been built, the supporting facilities are incomplete, the operation is abnormal, and malicious illegal discharges are other outstanding problems.

(3) Outstanding problems such as backward, obsolete, and polluting chemical production capacity or production processes were not closed in accordance with laws and regulations, and were moved to the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and small chemical workshops and black workshops were not banned in a timely manner.

(4) Chemical enterprises along the river have not entered the park (concentrated area), and the infrastructure of the chemical park is not complete and other outstanding problems.

(5) There are outstanding problems such as insufficient supervision of chemical enterprises and parks along the river, imperfect supervision mechanisms, weak supervision and enforcement, and weak punishment.

3. Work steps

(1) The first stage: find out the truth.

1. Cooperate with the state to comprehensively investigate the basic situation of chemical enterprises within the Yangtze River Economic Belt, including planning layout, geographical location, product types, production scale, production technology, cleaner production, centralized park entry, etc. It will be completed before the end of May 2017. (The Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission takes the lead, and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Environmental Protection Department, the Provincial Water Conservancy Department, the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau, the Provincial Bureau of Statistics, and the people’s governments of the cities along the river cooperate)

2. Cooperate with the state to comprehensively investigate the wastewater discharge, treatment and environmental supervision of chemical enterprises and chemical parks within the Yangtze River Economic Belt. It will be completed before the end of May 2017. (The Provincial Environmental Protection Department takes the lead, and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission, the Provincial Water Conservancy Department, the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau, and the people’s governments of the cities along the river cooperate)

3. Cooperate with the national statistics to analyze the basic situation of chemical enterprises above and below designated size in the five cities of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in 2013, as well as the basic situation of chemical enterprises above designated size as of the end of October 2016. It will be completed before the end of February 2017. (The Provincial Bureau of Statistics takes the lead, and the people’s governments of the cities along the river cooperate)

(2) The second stage: special rectification.

1. make plan. In accordance with the national special rectification work plan, we formulate our province’s implementation plan, carefully arrange the deployment, clarify the work goals, implement the division of tasks, standardize the procedures and steps, and impose strict time limits. It will be completed before the end of July 2017. (Led by the Provincial Environmental Protection Department, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission, the Provincial Water Conservancy Department, and the cities along the river…�The cooperation of the people’s government)

2. Carry out rectification. In accordance with the implementation plan formulated by the province, cities along the river formulate specific special rectification work plans, implement work responsibilities, and carry out special rectification in a concentrated manner to ensure that the rectification achieves effective results. Relevant provincial departments should strengthen guidance, supervise and inspect, and jointly complete the rectification tasks. Phased results will be achieved before the end of 2017. (The people’s governments of the cities along the river take the lead, and are coordinated by the Provincial Environmental Protection Department, the Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Water Conservancy Department, and the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau)

4. Working Mechanism

(1) Departmental coordination. The Provincial Leading Group Office for Promoting the Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt is responsible for the overall leadership and coordination of the province’s special actions; the Provincial Economic and Information Commission, the Provincial Environmental Protection Department, and the Provincial Bureau of Statistics respectively take the lead and are responsible for the thorough investigation and rectification of the special actions, and do a good job The formulation, implementation, promotion, supervision and inspection of the work plan; the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau and other departments work closely together.

(2) Responsibility of local entities. As the main body of responsibility and implementation of the rectification work, the municipal governments along the river should specifically carry out special actions within their respective jurisdictions. All localities must carefully formulate emergency plans for mass incidents, pay attention to detecting signs of mass incidents, and handle them promptly and appropriately in accordance with laws and regulations.

(3) Supervision by public opinion. All localities and departments must pay attention to the role of the media, vigorously publicize the transformation and upgrading of the chemical industry to green development and the rectification of chemical enterprises, and expose illegal and illegal pollution discharge behaviors.

5. Work Requirements

(1) Attach great importance. It is necessary to fully understand the importance and necessity of this special rectification action on chemical pollution for the ecological and environmental protection of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, adhere to a problem-oriented approach, pay close attention to problem rectification, prevent superficiality and formality, and effectively promote the ecological and environmental protection of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. and achieve greater results in green development.

(2) Carefully organized. Relevant leading units should organize special classes to study carefully, conduct in-depth actual and front-line investigations, organize carefully based on actual conditions, coordinate and promote implementation, increase work intensity, and complete work tasks with high quality. Any major problems encountered during work should be reported to the leading group office in a timely manner.

(3) Cooperate with each other. Firmly establish the “one-game” idea of ​​​​the province’s special actions to control chemical pollution, with mutual support and close cooperation between departments; linkage between departments and local governments to jointly promote; social public opinion and special actions interact to create a good atmosphere of concern to the whole society.

(4) Serious accountability. All localities and departments must stand at the strategic height of promoting ecological priority and green development in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and conscientiously carry out special rectification actions for chemical pollution. Those who deal with perfunctory, cover-up, underreporting, omissions, ineffective actions, and lax discipline enforcement shall be punished. Once verified, they will be held accountable seriously in accordance with laws and regulations.

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Editor: Tong Zhiwei

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