The development of new materials supports “Made in China” and promotes technological innovation to seize the commanding heights

The development of new materials helps “Made in China” and promotes technological innovation to seize the commanding heights

Introduction: As one of the 11 supporting guides in the “1 + Officially issued, it pointed out three key development directions for the development of the new materials industry, clarified the main development goals, and proposed that by 2020, more than 70 key new materials will be industrialized and applied, and a new materials industry will be built that matches the development level of my country’s new materials industry. Process equipment support system.

As one of the 11 supporting guides in the “1+X” planning system of “Made in China 2025”, the “New Materials Industry Development Guide” jointly formulated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Finance has been officially issued. It points out three key development directions for the development of the new materials industry, clarifies the main development goals, and proposes to achieve the industrialization and application of more than 70 key new materials by 2020, and build process equipment support that matches the development level of China’s new materials industry. system.

Industrial manufacturing, materials first , vigorously promoting the development of the new materials industry is of great significance to making “Made in China” bigger and stronger. Industry experts pointed out that my country’s new materials industry has developed rapidly since the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, which has strongly supported the development of the national economy and the construction of national defense science and technology industry. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, with the help of policies, the new materials industry will usher in historic development opportunities. .

“Twelfth Five-Year Plan” The development of new materials is full of highlights, with an average annual growth rate of 24%

In 2010, the State Council made a decision to accelerate the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries and identified seven strategic emerging industries, including new materials. This is the first time that my country has regarded new materials as an independent industry and provided key support from a national strategic perspective. Since the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, my country’s new materials industry has developed rapidly and its technological level has continued to improve, which has strongly supported the development of the national economy and the construction of national defense science and technology industry.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology data display, new The scale of the materials industry has increased from 800 billion yuan in 2011 to nearly 2 trillion yuan in 2015. The industry scale has doubled, with an average annual growth rate of more than 24%. “Overall, the new materials industry has basically achieved the goals of the 12th Five-Year Plan.” said the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

CCID Consulting Analyst Ma Ruiwen told a reporter from China Economic Network that during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, my country’s new materials industry has been full of highlights. The new materials industry has achieved continuous integration of upstream and downstream. Enterprises in the eastern and western regions have further concentrated development, demand has further expanded to the economic field, and technological innovation has gradually Moving towards industrialization, ecological new materials have become the focus of development.

Specifically, innovation In terms of capabilities, a number of new material innovations that fill the gaps in the country continue to emerge. During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, a number of first-class national technological invention awards, first-class scientific and technological progress awards, and first-class natural science awards were awarded to new materials. technical achievements in the field.

In terms of industrial structure, one A number of leading enterprises and leading talents continue to grow, and new material industry clusters have initially formed in Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Ningbo and other regions, promoting the upgrading of regional industrial structure and resource integration. Through the creation of new industrialization demonstration bases, 48 ​​bases related to new materials fields have been built across the country, forming a number of development carriers.

In terms of support capabilities, focus The comprehensive support capability of new materials in the field has been significantly improved, with the support capability of new chemical materials reaching 63%, and the domestic market share of high-strength and high-toughness automotive steel, silicon steel sheets, etc. has reached more than 90%.

In terms of material replacement, development The Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the “Implementation Plan for the Key Materials Upgrading Project” to promote the mass production and large-scale application of some materials in the fields of new generation information technology, energy conservation and environmental protection, and marine engineering.

“In the past, national defense, Military industry, nuclear energy,…Aerospace technology is the main driving force for the development of new materials. At present, emerging industries supported by new materials, such as electronic information, intelligent manufacturing, green energy, etc., are developing rapidly. Product development cycles are shortening day by day, and technological innovations in fields such as graphene, 3D printing materials, and superconductivity continue to bring about new technological innovations and are gradually realizing industrialization. “Ma Ruiwen said.

” The 13th Five-Year Plan lays out three key directions to innovate and seize the commanding heights

Currently, a new round of industrial transformation is gaining momentum. As the foundation for the development of the manufacturing industry, the new materials industry is related to the quality of “Made in China.” Especially in the field of cutting-edge new materials, it can often become the catalyst for the birth of new industries. Key areas of development. “For example, if graphene, which is widely optimistic, can achieve breakthroughs in large-scale application, it is expected to drive the rapid development of new generation information technology, new energy, high-end equipment manufacturing and other fields. “The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said.

The reporter learned from the “New Materials Industry Development Guide” that new materials have a wide range, many categories, and miscellaneous varieties. During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, new materials were divided into six categories based on the properties, functions and future trends of the materials. , a new material classification system has been initially established. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, the “Guide” listed advanced basic materials, key strategic materials, and cutting-edge new materials as three key development directions.

Among the cutting-edge new materials, special mention is made of graphene and additive manufacturing materials, nanomaterials, superconducting materials, etc., and strengthen the construction of a collaborative innovation system for the new materials industry. It is proposed that more attention will be paid to original innovation and disruptive technological innovation, and efforts will be concentrated on systematic research to form a number of iconic cutting-edge new material innovation achievements and Typical applications, seizing the commanding heights of competition in the future new materials industry.

It is understood that it is a long process from research discovery to mature application of new materials, which generally takes 10 to 20 years. Most developed countries adopt the method of “research and development of one batch, reserve one batch, and apply one batch” Materials development strategy, by formulating development roadmaps for key varieties, strengthening forward-looking basic research and application innovation, and strengthening the layout of cutting-edge new materials.

The above-mentioned relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that over the years, our country has invested a lot of energy in the research of new material technology, and in graphene , metamaterials, superconducting materials and other cutting-edge new materials have a good foundation for development, and some fields are even at the world’s advanced level. During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, it is necessary to further consolidate and expand China’s advantages in the field of cutting-edge new materials and organize all parties upstream and downstream in the industrial chain Strengthen efforts to carry out systematic research and strive to form a batch of innovative results and typical applications, laying a good foundation for the sustainable development of the new materials industry and downstream application industries.

Ma Ruiwen also said, ” The Guide clarifies the development direction of the new materials industry, emphasizing efforts from the supply side to identify key application markets. For example, in the field of graphene, focusing on anti-corrosion coatings, composite materials, touch screens and other application fields, the focus is on the development of energy storage devices modified by graphene. , functional coatings, modified rubber, thermal products and special functional products, sensors, touch devices, electronic components based on graphene materials, etc. “At the same time, we will improve the new materials industry standard system, which will create a good development environment for the new materials industry and help promote the standardization, scale and healthy and steady development of the new materials industry.”

New material product innovation accelerates the pace of green development

Industry experts generally believe that through the “Made in China 2025” policy Dongfeng, as well as the technology roadmap for key areas in the “Guide”, companies and investment institutions are optimistic about the development prospects of the new materials industry. Capital intervention will bring a stimulating effect to the new materials industry, and the new materials industry will usher in historic development opportunities.

The market’s response also proves Got this. At present, the new materials market sector is active, and many listed companies are performing strongly, which has increased the number of acquisitions among companies entering the new materials industry.

For the future new materials industry Regarding the development trend, Ma Ruiwen said that the driving role of technology will become increasingly obvious in the future, and the pace of product innovation will accelerate. “Our country attaches great importance to the development of the new materials industry, and has given key support to the field of new materials in scientific and technological projects such as the Science and Technology Research Plan and the National High-tech Industrialization Project. In the future, the pace of new material product innovation will accelerate, and a number of internationally recognized companies will be formed. Advanced level of independent intellectual property achievements.”

On the other hand, the new materials industry will pay more attention to sustainable development. “In the future, the new materials industry will develop in the direction of high performance, multi-function, and greenness. The sustainable development of the new materials industry is an inevitable choice to meet the sustainable development of the economy and society. Facing the huge pressure on resources, ecological environment, and population, ecological and environmental materials The development of its green production technology has attracted increasing attention,” Ma Ruiwen said. “In the future, in terms of preparation technology, the new material industry will pay more attention to the development of short-process, low-pollution, low-energy consumption, recyclable, green, numerical and other manufacturing. technology.” It is obvious that the pace of product innovation is accelerating. “Our country attaches great importance to the development of the new materials industry, and has given key support to the field of new materials in scientific and technological projects such as the Science and Technology Research Plan and the National High-tech Industrialization Project. In the future, the pace of new material product innovation will accelerate, and a number of internationally recognized companies will be formed. Advanced level of independent intellectual property achievements.”

On the other hand, the new materials industry will pay more attention to sustainable development. “In the future, the new materials industry will develop in the direction of high performance, multi-function, and greenness. The sustainable development of the new materials industry is an inevitable choice to meet the sustainable development of the economy and society. Facing the huge pressure on resources, ecological environment, and population, ecological and environmental materials The development of its green production technology has attracted increasing attention,” Ma Ruiwen said. “In the future, in terms of preparation technology, the new material industry will pay more attention to the development of short-process, low-pollution, low-energy consumption, recyclable, green, numerical and other manufacturing. technology.”

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