In the future, the application rate of polyurethane materials will reach 50% of thermal insulation materials

In the development plan formulated by the China Polyurethane Industry Association, the application rate of polyurethane materials will reach about 50% of thermal insulation materials in five years. “However, China’s current market share is less than 10%, while polyurethane’s share in the foreign insulation material market is very large, reaching 57% in the United States and 32% in Japan.” At the China Polyurethane Green Energy Saving East China Summit Forum, Yang Zongkun Polyurethane Members of the high-tech new materials research and development expert team analyzed this.

Polyurethane is the best contemporary energy-saving insulation material. It is widely used in building insulation and building fire protection because of its long service life, good insulation effect, strong temperature resistance, energy saving and environmental protection. and other fields, occupying a considerable share in the building insulation materials market.

However, there is currently an embarrassing problem, that is, compared with polystyrene boards that are also thermal insulation materials, their cost prices are higher than polystyrene boards. Calculated based on B1 grade insulation materials, polyurethane insulation materials are 1,800 yuan/square meter, while XPS is 650 yuan/square meter, and EPS is 550 yuan/square meter. Coupled with the vicious competition within and outside the industry, polyurethane accounts for less than 10% of China’s thermal insulation materials market.

At present, my country’s thermal insulation material market is mainly based on foamed EPS and XPS. Most product manufacturers improve the fire resistance of thermal insulation materials by adding flame retardants to raw materials. performance. Among them, the main raw material for producing the above insulation materials is hexabromocyclododecane, a flame retardant commonly used in the insulation, textile and electronic fields. But in May 2013, the United Nations Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants voted unanimously to adopt a ban: the production and use of hexabromocyclododecane on a global scale.

Hexabromocyclododecane is an alicyclic additive flame retardant with high bromine content. It is currently mainly used in EPS foamed polystyrene, polypropylene, In epoxy, silicone and other styrenic resins. But at the same time, they can also exist in the environment for a long time and accumulate in biological tissues, which may have an impact on human health. Qian Lijun, deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Flame Retardant Society and associate professor of Beijing Technology and Business University, said that HBCD is a new type of persistent organic pollutant and an invisible killer in exterior wall insulation materials. It has harmful effects such as carcinogenesis and teratogenesis.

In the opinion of many experts attending the meeting, polyurethane not only has good thermal insulation, flame retardant, sound insulation functions, but also has green, environmental protection, energy saving and other functions. It is currently the most harmful product on the market. The best alternative to insulation materials. Especially after the policy relaxed restrictions on organic insulation materials, the development of polyurethane has entered a rapid stage.

After the 2010 Shanghai fire, on March 4, 2011, the Ministry of Public Security issued the “Notice on Further Clarifying the Requirements for Fire Supervision and Management of Exterior Insulation Materials for Civil Buildings”, stipulating that The exterior insulation materials of civil buildings are made of materials with Class A combustion properties.

Professor Yang Zongkun, the former director of the China Polyurethane Research Institute, pointed out that organic materials in building insulation products cannot reach Grade A, and polyurethane as an organic material does not undergo compound processing. Can reach B1 level. This means that under “Circular 65”, polyurethane building insulation materials cannot be used on walls.

Since organic insulation materials occupy 90% of the market share, if the “No. 65 Document” is strictly implemented, almost no materials can meet the requirements. Therefore, on December 3, 2012 On the same day, the Ministry of Public Security revoked “Document No. 65” and loosened restrictions on organic insulation materials.

Tu Fengxiang, a professor-level senior engineer at the Beijing Academy of Building Sciences, pointed out that the comprehensive advantages of polyurethane are relatively obvious, such as being relatively thin and having good thermal insulation effect, so the polyurethane industry has broad prospects. .

At present, polyurethane insulation materials have been included in the green building materials project by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. At the forum, experts from various places took the organic-inorganic synergistic flame-retardant polyurethane insulation board pioneered in Suzhou as an example to conduct in-depth discussions on the performance, market status and future prospects of domestic new environmentally friendly polyurethane insulation materials.

()deep cultivation In the segmented industry of polyurethane raw materials – amine catalysts; research, development and compound production of various types of amine catalysts; main products: A-33|33LV|CS90|C225|GSY9727|SMP|Z-131|solidamineetc., suitable for sponge, molding, high resilience, self-skinning, PU toys and various hard and semi-hard foams Bubbles and other end products.

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