Petrochemical Federation: Relocation of hazardous chemical companies should be divided into three categories and treated differently

Petrochemical Association: The relocation of hazardous chemical companies should be divided into three categories and treated differently
On May 24, at the 2018 China Chemical Park and Industrial Development Forum held in Zhuhai, participating experts said , Simple relocation is not the purpose. The state divides the relocation of hazardous chemical enterprises into three categories and treats them differently, which is to achieve transformation and upgrading during relocation, to achieve vacating the cage for birds, transformation and upgrading, and rebirth.

Li Shousheng, President of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, pointed out:

Hazardous chemicals The significance of enterprises moving into specialized chemical industrial parks is an important carrier to promote the industry to accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity, implement vacating cages and replace birds, and achieve transformation, upgrading, and green and sustainable development. my country is promoting the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical companies and requires chemical companies to enter the park. During the process of relocating to the park, enterprises can eliminate low-end, backward and ineffective production capacity, use relocation and transformation funds and related policies to introduce high-end advanced production capacity and increase effective supply.

For the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises that have attracted industry attention, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Raw Materials Industry Pan Aihua, deputy director of the department, pointed out that in order to do a good job in the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical enterprises, we must first standardize the development of chemical industry parks and improve the development quality of chemical industry parks. These two tasks are complementary to each other and are important guarantees for the green development of the chemical industry. Pan Aihua said that in the future, the implementation plan for the relocation and renovation of hazardous chemical enterprises will be improved. In the first half of this year, the central task of the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemicals in various places is to determine the list of companies and transformation methods.

[size=17.7231px] “For those that do not meet environmental protection requirements, we can first carry out on-site transformation to make them meet the requirements. If the on-site transformation cannot meet the requirements, we will move them into the park. If its industry is very backward and the enterprise is not strong , we also encourage companies to close and exit.”

As for the issues that need to be paid attention to during the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical companies, Deputy Director of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation President Fu Xiangsheng gave his own opinion.

Provincial and municipal governments It is necessary to accurately understand, scientifically grasp and well implement the “On Promoting the Promotion of Hazardous Chemical Production Enterprises in Urban Population Areas” issued by the General Office of the State Council last year.”Guiding Opinions on Relocation and Reconstruction”, the relocation of chemical enterprises into the park cannot be simply understood as “moving”, let alone “closing”. Instead, they should be divided into three categories according to the opinions put forward in the document: “on-site reconstruction, off-site relocation, and closure and exit” and treated differently.

In addition, Fu Xiangsheng suggested that hazardous chemical companies should make good use of the opportunity of relocation and do a good job in transformation, upgrading and industrial structure Adjustment. It also gave some cases and successful experiences of successful relocation of hazardous chemical companies such as Haijing Chemical and Luxi Chemical.

“Haijing Chemical’s original factory is located in the old town of Qingdao, and the new production base was built in Dongjiakou in 2014 After it was put into operation and relocated and renovated, the process of producing PVC by calcium carbide method was eliminated, and PVC was produced by ethylene method, which moved a new route; Luxi Chemical Industry moved into the park and achieved the goal of sticking to chemical fertilizers and moving away from chemical fertilizers. Now it is The product structure that mainly focuses on new chemical materials has good future development prospects.” Fu Xiangsheng said, we have also seen that some companies have learned their lessons. An old state-owned enterprise in the industry simply copied the original processes and products during its relocation and transformation. Several years have passed, and now it is in operational difficulties again.

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