Petrochemical industry smart factory standards are expected to be among the first batch of projects

Zhou Changyi, Director of the Department of Raw Materials Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said on October 25 that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has proposed an overall framework for the intelligent manufacturing standard system and is currently stepping up efforts to formulate intelligent manufacturing standards for various industries. A batch of 12 general standards have been launched, and the smart factory standard for the petrochemical industry is expected to be among the first batch of projects.

Zhou Changyi made the above statement at an on-site exchange meeting on intelligent manufacturing and smart chemical park construction in the chemical industry. He also revealed that currently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is organizing enterprises to carry out innovative application demonstrations in the fields of industrial Ethernet, factory wireless applications, industrial cloud computing, industrial big data, etc., and has selected 10 industrial Internet pilot demonstration projects in conjunction with the special action of intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration. , Support the construction of an industrial Internet test verification platform, an industrial Internet key resource management platform, and an industrial Internet commercial circulation data management platform. In this year’s smart manufacturing pilot demonstration project, two chemical companies, Zhenhai Refining and Chemical and Doublestar Group, were identified as industrial Internet pilots.

“Overall, the petrochemical and chemical industry is at the forefront of informatization and intelligence, and intelligent manufacturing has been comprehensively promoted in various fields.” Zhou Changyi said that the petrochemical and chemical industry has exceeded 90% of manufacturing enterprises above designated size have applied process control systems, and production optimization systems, manufacturing execution, and enterprise resource planning management systems have also been widely used in enterprises.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has implemented a special action for smart manufacturing pilot demonstrations for two consecutive years, identifying two batches of 109 pilot demonstration projects, including a total of 11 projects in the petrochemical and chemical industries. In terms of quantity, it is far ahead in the process industry. From an industry perspective, companies from the petrochemical, tire and fertilizer industries were selected last year, and this year companies from the oil and gas mining, coal chemical, chlor-alkali, fluorine chemical and phosphorus chemical industries have been added.

Compared with other industries, the petrochemical and chemical industry processes are complex, and more than 80% of the main bulk raw materials and products are hazardous chemicals, with high safety and environmental risks, and there is an urgent need to promote intelligent manufacturing. Intelligent transformation not only plays an important role in safe production, energy conservation and emission reduction in the petrochemical and chemical industry, but is also an effective way to improve production efficiency and enhance comprehensive competitiveness. Through intelligent transformation, Luxi Group has reduced safety and environmental accident rates by more than 60% and reduced overall energy consumption by 5%, bringing direct economic benefits to the enterprise of hundreds of millions of yuan. Through the construction of smart factories, Jiujiang Petrochemical has rapidly improved its production, operation and management level, and major economic and technical indicators such as economic benefits, safety and environmental protection have jumped from the bottom of Sinopec to the first among enterprises along the river.

After the August 12 explosion in Tianjin Port last year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology promoted the establishment of a special project for the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical enterprises in densely populated urban areas, and successively provided support to the National Development Bank and the Agricultural Development Bank of China. The bank recommended 4 batches of 269 special construction fund projects for the relocation and renovation of hazardous chemical production enterprises, with a total planned special construction fund amounting to 25.1 billion yuan. As of the end of August, 106 projects had been approved, with 13 billion yuan of actual funds allocated, accounting for 39.4% and 54.7% respectively.

“We clearly put forward intelligent transformation requirements for applications for hazardous chemicals relocation and transformation projects. The relocation of hazardous chemicals enterprises cannot simply rebuild in another location, but implement upgrades through relocation. Transformation, especially information-based automation and intelligent transformation that improves the intrinsic safety level of the enterprise,” said Zhou Changyi.

It is reported that at present, Luxi Group has eliminated backward production capacities such as synthetic ammonia and urea during relocation and transformation, and at the same time built high value-added projects such as polycarbonate and nylon. It has completed the upgrading of the industry and simultaneously built smart factories, improving the overall level of intelligence. The design of intelligent manufacturing systems has also been carried out simultaneously in the relocation plan of Tianjin Bohai Chemical Industry.

At the exchange meeting, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also awarded the Liaocheng New Materials Industrial Park and Jiaxing Port Area the pilot demonstration unit of the smart chemical park as a pilot demonstration for the smart chemical park. . Zhou Changyi pointed out that the relocation of hazardous chemicals companies only makes sense if they enter a chemical industry park where safety and environmental protection are guaranteed, and information technology is the best way to solve the safety and environmental protection issues in the park.

Fu Xiangsheng, vice president of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, said that among the 502 existing chemical industry parks in my country, most of the informatization and intelligence of the parks are carried out by the companies that have settled there. Completed, there is no interaction between the park management platform and the resident enterprise platform, and there is a lack of remote and centralized control methods. Most of the business systems operate in a closed manner, and the “isolated island” phenomenon is serious. The construction of a smart chemical park will effectively improve the government management capabilities within the park, realize information sharing, and facilitate city, park, and enterprise operations.Good statistical analysis, monitoring and early warning, circular economy, strategic development and other decision-making services.

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