Popular science about pesticide auxiliaries

Pesticide auxiliariesLittle knowledge What are pesticide adjuvants Pesticide auxiliaries refer to the general term for substances added during prepara…

Use small ingredients in slow rebound sponge formula

Slow rebound spongeThe formula is similar to that of ordinary sponge. In addition to the major differences in the main polyether materials, some minor…

Adhesion promoter

Adhesion promoter Pure rubber rubber products are often difficult to meet actual use needs. Most rubber products require composite manufacturing using…

rubber metal bonding

Rubber metal bonding Cobalt salt refers to a substance composed of cobalt ions and acid radicals, which may also contain a certain proportion of other…

Cobalt salt adhesion promoter

Cobalt salt adhesion promoter 1. Overview Cobalt salt adhesion promoter (hereinafter referred to as cobalt salt adhesive) series products are direct a…

Application of redispersible latex powder in concrete art mortar

Redispersible latex powderApplication in concrete art mortar The development of concrete surface art 1 As an economical, easy-to-prepare and process b…

Manual mesh sponge foaming tutorial

Handmade mesh sponge foaming tutorial Mesh sponge is a special type of sponge product. It started late and appeared in the Chinese market around 1995….

Drinking baijiu is not free, drinking alcohol actually has so many benefits! !

Zinc neodecanoate Drinking white wine is not free, drinking alcohol turns out to have so many benefits! ! Speaking of drinking, for all the men watchi…

Zinc neodecanoate affects oily skin. How can I control oil well without reading this article?

Zinc Neodecanoate OilI have a skin problem, how can I control oil well if I don’t read this article? It should be the most appropriate time to control…

Analysis of defects in flat screen and rotary screen printing

Defect analysis of flat screen and rotary screen printing Printing defects on flat (circular) screens are ever-changing. People summarize them into se…

Leather wear repair artifact/wound repair cream (spray)

Leather wear repair artifact/healing cream (spray) Healing cream (spray): This product is a water-based repairing cream that can be sprayed, brushed, …

A quick reference manual on additives worth 3W, a must-have for modified plastics R&D engineers!

A quick reference manual on additives worth 3W, a must-have for modified plastic R&D engineers! Nothing in the world is perfect, and in the modifi…

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