The most severe shutdown and production restriction storm is coming, and Shandong and Jiangsu are enlarging their measures again!

The strictest production shutdown and production restriction storm is coming, and Shandong and Jiangsu are enlarging their measures again!
The heating season is approaching, and new policies for air pollution control are frequently coming out in various provinces and cities. As major chemical industry provinces, Shandong and Jiangsu have always been of great concern to everyone. What emergency plans have these two provinces introduced before the heavy pollution weather comes this year?

Shandong: Adjust the emergency plan for heavy pollution weather, and emergency emission reduction will be implemented in the production process
A few days ago, reporters learned from a press conference held by the Shandong Provincial Government Information Office that this year’s heavy pollution weather emergency plan early warning classification in Shandong uses the AQI indicator, which has been changed from daily calculation to It is calculated based on the hourly average; the mandatory emission reduction indicators are refined into 4 items, among which the blue warning level increases the PM and VOCS emission reduction ratio of the whole society, which should reach 5%. At the same time, urgent emission reduction measures should be implemented in specific units, enterprises, construction sites, and production links, and peak-shifting transportation, peak-shifting production, and limited production should be implemented. compulsory measures such as production, rotation, and suspension of production.
Ju Zhenping, deputy inspector of the Shandong Provincial Environmental Protection Department, said that Shandong Province’s heavy pollution weather emergency plan is based on the 2016 version of the basic structure, member units, early warning classification standards, and mandatory emission reductions. Six parts including indicators, emergency emission reduction measures, and emission reduction project list were adjusted.
Basic structure:The content consists of 8 from the 2016 version parts, revised to 11 parts, the modification area is relatively large. One part was deleted: emergency prevention; four parts were added: safeguard measures, emergency training, emergency drills, and emergency publicity and education; two parts were adjusted: organizational leadership was adjusted to organizational structure and responsibilities, and supervision and accountability was adjusted to accountability. . The parts that have not been adjusted have different additions and deletions in content to make the content more scientific and complete.
Member units: Among them, 14 are provincial responsible departments. , two more than before: the Provincial Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Bureau and the Provincial Communications Administration; the 17 districts and cities are the same as before.
Early warning classification standards: In accordance with the unified requirements of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, The air quality index (AQI) indicator has been changed from the daily calculation in the past to the current hourly average calculation, and only the daily average value greater than the daily average value has been cancelled.
On mandatory emission reduction targets:Refine the emission reduction indicators into four items: SO2, NOX, PM, and VOCS. At the blue warning level, the reduction ratio of PM and VOCS emissions in the whole society should reach 5%.
Emergency emission reduction measures:Focus on the list of “three sources” (industrial sources, mobile sources, and dust sources), and compile a list of “one city, one case, one factory, one Policy”The emergency plan for heavy pollution weather will emergencyEmission reduction measures should be implemented to specific units, specific enterprises, specific construction sites, and specific production links.Through peak-shifting transportation, peak-shifting production and compulsory measures such as production restrictions, production rotations, and production suspensions, the purpose of “peak peak reduction, frequency reduction, and pollution level reduction” is achieved.
The list of emission reduction projects: is specified in this plan Regulations: First, eliminate 7 types of enterprises or behaviors, including: zombie enterprises, fake enterprises, “scattered and polluting” enterprises that have been banned or planned to be banned, small coal-fired boilers that have been eliminated or planned to be eliminated, and yellow-label vehicles that have been included in regular management. , open-air burning and open-air barbecue, and enterprises that have been relocated to adjust the industrial structure or resolve excess production capacity (such as Jinan Iron and Steel). The second is to calculate the emergency emission reductions of three types of enterprises differently, including: enterprises that have completed ultra-low emission transformation and coal-fired units meet ultra-low emission requirements, the emergency emission reductions will not be calculated; enterprises that have been included in peak-shifting production will not be calculated. During the assessment and early warning period, the pollutant emission reduction amount will be calculated as 1.2 times; for enterprises whose production load is not saturated due to market downturn or environmental quality improvement, etc., the pollutant emission reduction base will be calculated based on the actual production load. The third is to ensure that emergency emission reductions can be controlled, inspected and assessed.

Jiangsu: Another heavy blow to control haze, launching cross-examination of air pollution in autumn and winter
In order to suppress the soaring concentration of PM2.5 in autumn and winter, the Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Department formed 12 inspection teams to launch cross-inspections on air pollution prevention and control in the province in autumn and winter.This cross-examination will last until March 31, 2018.
It is reported that the content of this cross-examination on air pollution prevention and control in Jiangsu in autumn and winter It mainly involves four aspects:
  • First, the operation of fixed pollution source environmental protection facilities and compliance with emission standards. Focus on random inspections of the installation and operation of desulfurization, denitrification, and dust removal facilities in enterprises, check whether pollution prevention and control facilities are constructed in accordance with environmental impact assessment or local environmental protection department requirements, whether operation and maintenance records are complete and consistent with the actual situation, and whether there are any pollution prevention and control facilities that are not operating normally or in a manner that is inconsistent with the actual situation. Behaviors such as temporarily suspending production for the purpose of evading on-site inspections.
  • The second is the “elevated source” to automatically monitor the installation, networking and operation of facilities. Focus on supervising the compliance of online monitoring data with standards, checking whether the automatic monitoring facilities are operating normally, whether they are connected to the environmental protection department, whether they reflect the true pollution discharge situation of the enterprise, and whether there is fraud, tampering, forgery of automatic monitoring data, interference with automatic monitoring facilities, etc.
  • The third is the installation and operation of corporate treatment facilities for volatile organic pollutants (VOCs). Focus on inspections of the construction and operation of pollution prevention and control facilities in companies in high-VOCs emission industries such as petrochemical, chemical, packaging and printing, and industrial painting. There are environmental violations such as improper operation of pollution prevention and control facilities.
  • The fourth is the investigation and banning of “small, scattered and polluting” enterprises. For “small and scattered polluting” enterprises, the environmental protection departments of all districts and cities must promptly request the people’s government to rectify and ban them in accordance with laws and regulations, and achieve “two cuts and three cleans” (cut off water and power, remove raw materials, remove products, and remove equipment).
For problems discovered during the cross-examination, the Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Department will organize an inspection team to conduct post-inspection to ensure the implementation of rectifications. Prominent environmental problems discovered during mutual inspections will be reported back to the relevant municipal environmental protection departments, and environmental violations reported in the inspections will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the law, and enterprises will be urged to make rectifications in place. The environmental protection departments of the inspected municipalities must give written feedback on the rectifications and cancel their accounts one by one.

For cities where environmental violations by industrial enterprises are concentrated, the overall air pollution prevention and control work is ineffective, responsibilities are not implemented in place, and air pollution problems are very prominent, the Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Department will implement listing supervision or public interviews, and simultaneously adopt measures such as regional approval restrictions. , to ensure that cross-examination is effective. (Source: Volkswagen Net, Modern Express)

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The third is the installation and operation of corporate treatment facilities for volatile organic pollutants (VOCs). Focus on inspections of the construction and operation of pollution prevention and control facilities in companies in high-VOCs emission industries such as petrochemical, chemical, packaging and printing, and industrial painting. There are environmental violations such as improper operation of pollution prevention and control facilities.
  • The fourth is the investigation and banning of “small, scattered and polluting” enterprises. For “small and scattered polluting” enterprises, the environmental protection departments of all districts and cities must promptly request the people’s government to rectify and ban them in accordance with laws and regulations, and achieve “two cuts and three cleans” (cut off water and power, remove raw materials, remove products, and remove equipment).
  • For problems discovered during the cross-examination, the Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Department will organize an inspection team to conduct post-inspection to ensure the implementation of rectifications. Prominent environmental problems discovered during mutual inspections will be reported back to the relevant municipal environmental protection departments, and environmental violations reported in the inspections will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the law, and enterprises will be urged to make rectifications in place. The environmental protection departments of the inspected municipalities must give written feedback on the rectifications and cancel their accounts one by one.

    For cities where environmental violations by industrial enterprises are concentrated, the overall air pollution prevention and control work is ineffective, responsibilities are not implemented in place, and air pollution problems are very prominent, the Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Department will implement listing supervision or public interviews, and simultaneously adopt measures such as regional approval restrictions. , to ensure that cross-examination is effective. (Source: Volkswagen Net, Modern Express)

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