The price of silicone products is rising, rising, rising—-Jiangxi New Materials Co., Ltd.

Organic silicone product prices are rising, rising, rising—-Jiangxi New Materials Co., Ltd.
Enter June, silicone giants – Dow and Henkel simultaneously raised the prices of silicone products,Dow announced that silicone sealants, potting compounds, silicone gels, thermal interface materials, electronic adhesives, etc. will increase in price by up to 15%! Henkel announced that adhesive prices have increased by 16%!

Sure enough, driven by the giants, domestic silicone downstream companies have followed suit and issued price increase letters one after another. Announcing an increase in silicone glue prices!

The main reason for the price increase of silicone glue companies is that raw material prices continue to remain high, especially in this round of Dow Driven by price increases by international giants such as , Henkel and others, domestic companies have followed suit and entered a new wave of price increases.

This price increase has mostly started in recent days, and the price increase range ranges from 5% to 10%. wait.

Businesses are rising The price letter also stated that if the price of raw materials continues to rise, it will reserve the right to further raise prices. In this round of price increases, some companies have already raised prices for the second or even third time.

In the past year, the price of organic silicon raw materials has increased one after another, and cost pressure has continued to be transmitted downstream. Forcing downstream companies to follow suit. At present, the increase in raw material prices has reduced, but the supply of goods in the market is still in short supply. It is still not easy to buy goods, which is a great pressure for downstream enterprises.

Silicone glue companies are facing pressures from raw materials, environmental protection, transportation, etc., but they are also under pressure from terminals pressure. At present, the domestic construction market is relatively weak, the photovoltaic industry has been hit hard, and terminal demand is limited. Multiple pressure polymerization forces silicone glue prices to rise!

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