The top 500 Chinese chemical companies in 2016 are newly released

On June 29, the 2016 China’s Top 500 Chemical Enterprises Press Conference and Innovation and Change – Chemical Enterprises Summit Forum were held in Chongqing Changshou Park, and the 2016 China’s Top 500 Chemical Enterprises list was officially released. The total main business income of China’s top 500 chemical companies increased from 4.35 trillion yuan in 2014 to 4.798 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.4%, accounting for 54% of the total main business income of the entire industry, a year-on-year increase of 4.1 percentage points. The development speed of the top 500 companies continues to be higher than the industry development speed, marking that China’s chemical industry has entered the era of large enterprises.
According to statistics from the China Chemical Enterprise Management Association, despite the “double downward” pressure on my country’s chemical industry in 2015, the main business income of China’s top 500 chemical companies still maintained high growth, and the entry threshold for the top 500 increased from 17.78 in the previous year. billion increased to 1.84 billion yuan. In the 2016 China Chemical Industry Top 500 list, the number of companies with sales revenue of more than 100 billion yuan increased from 1 in the previous year to 4, among which the top two companies both exceeded 200 billion yuan; 50 billion to 100 billion The number of enterprises worth RMB 20 billion has increased by 8, the number of companies worth RMB 20 billion to RMB 50 billion has increased by 10, and the number of companies worth RMB 10 billion to RMB 20 billion has increased by eight.
Wang Shugang, president of the China Chemical Enterprise Management Association, said that judging from the list, the trend of enterprises becoming bigger is very obvious, and resources and markets are concentrating on large enterprises. The top ten companies on the list are China National Chemical Corporation, Henan Energy and Chemical Group Co., Ltd., China Pingmei Shenma Energy and Chemical Group Co., Ltd., Tianjin Bohai Chemical Group Co., Ltd., and Hubei Yihua Group Co., Ltd. Responsible companies, Yuntianhua Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Dongming Petrochemical Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Dongbo Holdings Co., Ltd., China National Chemical Engineering Corporation, and Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company.
Li Shousheng, President of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, emphasized that in the process of building a powerful country in the petroleum and chemical industry, management innovation assumes greater tasks and shoulders greater responsibilities. The top 500 chemical companies are outstanding representatives of enterprise management in the industry and have made valuable explorations in management innovation. However, with the dramatic changes in the macroeconomic situation and major adjustments in industry supply and demand relationships, the corporate management environment is facing new topics and challenges.
The core issues that currently need to be solved in enterprise management and management innovation include the innovation of enterprise strategic management, the focus of enterprise efficiency management, and the strengthening of enterprise technology management. “Through this meeting, we will deeply summarize the management experience of the ’12th Five-Year Plan’ enterprises and comprehensively deploy the tasks and requirements of the ’13th Five-Year Plan’ enterprise management and management innovation. We place our hopes on small and medium-sized enterprises, and even more on large enterprises.” , can form a new situation of management innovation and technological innovation flying side by side and coordinated development as soon as possible during the ‘Thirteenth Five-Year Plan’ period.” Li Shousheng said.

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