Urgent! In the next month, chemical companies in many places across the country will suspend production on a large scale, and logistics will be restricted. Many types of chemical products have skyrocketed in price.

Urgent! In the next month, chemical companies in many places across the country will suspend production on a large scale, and logistics will be restricted. Many types of chemical products have skyrocketed in price.
Recently, environmental pollution problems have been exposed in many chemical industry parks one after another, causing social concern: first, the Guanhe Estuary in Lianyungang, Jiangsu The pollution problem in the chemical industry park was exposed by CCTV, and the Jiangsu Environmental Protection Department conducted a thorough investigation. All chemical companies in the three major chemical industry parks, Guannan, Guanyun, and Xiangshui, Yancheng, were suspended for rectification. After receiving the notice, many chemical companies in Lianyungang issued production suspension announcements. At the same time, many places in the Yangtze River have cracked the “chemical encirclement of the river”. Before June 2018, chemical enterprises and chemical industrial parks in the Yangtze River Economic Belt were comprehensively rectified, and chemical enterprises in Taicang, Yichang, Nanjing and other places were “closed and transferred”!

In more than half a month, an international conference will be held in Shandong. As a major chemical industry province in China, There are more than 9,000 chemical companies in Shandong, of which 37% are above designated size.

According to a manufacturer in Shandong, in order to avoid safety hazards and reduce unnecessary accidents, the manufacturerWill be suspended from May 20 to June 15; at the same time, logistics companies will also be greatly affected by the suspension of operations in some areas. Impact.

Guangdong will completely eliminate “scattered pollution” by the end of 19!

2018 From May 10th to June 30th of this year, the investigation and investigation phase will be completed. It will be completed before the end of June. From July 1st, it will enter the cleanup and rectification phase! By the end of September 2019, the comprehensive rectification work of “scattered and polluted” enterprises (sites) in the province will be basically completed.

The suspension of production, production restrictions, and transportation restrictions have led to further tight supply in the chemical product market. With supply exceeding demand, chemical products Prices rise in response! The price of silicone DMC is approaching 36,000 yuan/ton, and raw rubber and silicone oil are rising across the board! Looking at other chemical products, POM increased by 1,906 yuan/ton; TDI exceeded 30,000 yuan; MDI increased by 1,500 yuan/ton; and dyes increased by 77%.

Many people lamented: the raw materials are crazy! Enterprises have suspended production on a large scale, and some raw materials are seriously out of stock. Even if you have money, you can’t buy them. Most enterprises have been forced to stop taking orders. Chemical factories blame chemical raw materials for being expensive. Chemical factory bosses feel that they really can’t take the blame because they really don’t have the goods!

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